Our mission
The CultureVerse mission is to serve the local and global community by expanding opportunities to access and experience projects, storytelling, and creative expression of artists, educators, students, and preservationists. We provide technology, training, consultation, and other resources in order to create equitable and sustainable opportunities. We aim to bridge the gap between creator and community so that all people may be enriched by the ever expanding breadth of art and knowledge.
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Who we are

Jeff Machak
Executive Director

Matt Grossman
Director Of Design & Implementation

Shanley Carlton
Director, Creative Strategy and Partnerships

Leonardo Enriquez
Immersive Experience Design Lead

Thomas Macias
Communications & Development Lead

Rameen Chahine
Software Engineer & Tech Exploration Lead

Zoya Johnson
Immersive Experience Designer and Gallery Host
Board of directors

Donald A. Hicks

Diana Fleysher

Paul Potter
Our skills

Project Management
We sometimes kid that there's nothing our team can't get done. Kidding aside, we have the skills and experience to get people organized, remove barriers to success, and just plain get things done in a variety of arenas including events, film, video, design, software, and more. Have a complex idea? Try us.

Design Thinking
Design thinking is a bit of a buzzword in business, but for us it's a way of life. Every project we work on begins and ends with a human-centered approach. We workshop, prototype, test, and refine solutions, working hard to move beyond our biases and limited personal perspectives to access the power of the team.

Content & Strategy
From day one we knew that working with innovative tech and brilliant creators would result in a whole lot of great stories. Thankfully, our team is equipped to plan, capture, edit, and publicize a range of high-quality media content. There's nothing we love more than showing the world how amazing our partners are.

Software & Tech
Our team possesses a range of expertise including engineering, robotics, software design and development, AR, VR, and 3D printing just to name a few. We find that the most interesting things happen when we open our minds, dissolve the boundaries, and figure out how to connect all these pieces in order to help our partners share their amazing work.
Our tech

3D Scanning

CultureVerse boasts an exciting collection of hardware for producing 3D models or "digital twins" of objects, rooms, and even people. We're keenly aware of how new this technology is and the amazing range of unexplored possibilities that exist for its application. "We should scan that" is fast becoming our slogan at CultureVerse . This tech is just getting off the ground and we're opening our minds to the possibilities.

3D Immersive Technology

Perhaps you've heard of the Metaverse? We're not sure what that is, or that anyone knows what that is, but what we do know is that we've built hundreds of immersive virtual spaces to support artists, educators, and preservationists. We've made it possible for people around the world to visit, explore, and learn in 3D immersive environments that can be accessed easily on the web.

XR Technology

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are part of a spectrum of technologies known as Extended Reality or XR. While this technology is popular for games, CultureVerse sees a range of possibilities for its use in expanding access to knowledge and cultural treasures. This tech used in conjunction with our 3D scanning technologies opens the door to some truly innovative projects.
How we work