Graceann Warn

Graceann Warn
Graceann Warn
It’s everywhere. It’s a wall, or a word. It’s in books. It’s the entire city of Rome. It’s remembering a morning row on the Huron River. Inspiration is whatever I am obsessed with at any given time. A subject I return to again and again is science, especially as it relates to space. I am a child of the 60’s and the absolute wonder and awe of space exploration has never left me. I am also inspired by architecture and archaeology and these frequently drive the look of my paintings. I love the look and mythology associated with broken down buildings, abandoned factories, forgotten places.
Inspiration to Physical Form
I most often begin with a word, phrase or a scientific or mathematical concept in my head. I have lists of these things on my studio wall or in sketchbooks. I am constantly listening and reading, looking for the spark from my engagement with a word or two. I imagine what this word, etc. “looks like” , what mood it evokes for me, and begin by laying down color onto a substrate to start the painting process. Frequently the painting takes shape as I work it. It is rare that I know exactly what a piece will look like before I begin therefore it’s a very active, conscious process that evolves over the time I am working.
Virtual Gallery
Below is a custom virtual gallery created for Graceann as part of the ROOT3 exhibit at CultureVerse Gallery during December 2022 and January 2023. The space includes a 3D sculpture that CultureVerse scanned as part of the project. The space also includes an audio introduction recorded at local recording studio Big Sky Recording (thanks Big Sky!!).
The experience is available on computer using a mouse or trackpad, or on mobile by tapping an image, object, or desired location. Click below to step inside:
Scan of ROOT3 at CultureVerse Gallery